School plus is the mobile app for school management can make in education students more interactive and activate better engagement between parents, and school teachers. The most effective way is to engage with the schools while they are using mobile applications. Interaction tendency in schools is enhanced by mobile applications. School plus app is the best way for parents to stay connected with their children’s teachers. Though the way of learning through apps is entirely different from the traditional learning method, it adds value to the entire process. Here our app that not only meant for learning but also to stay updated about campus events, timetables, alerts and other all important information’s related to school and campus. They also provide opportunities to interact with students throughout the life cycle of prospects, enrolled students, and alumni. With school plus app, you can track your children’s progress which is one of the important things that every parent wants to know. Along with the progress, you parents and teachers can visualize how our school app is helping your children to improve their skills such as reading, studying, playing and much more.
All the details of the students can be displayed including photo, parent details, teacher, details, address, class and contact number.
Parents can obtain instant notification and view of the student attendance in the current academic year including present days and leaves.
Circulars and notices are sent to each parent and enable them to archive the same with an option of attachment.
Is the student attentive in the class or not? What is his/her status? Is his behavior good or not? Find out from teacher’s daily remarks.
Content templates can be reused and saved for easy and time-efficient content creation.
All the tasks can be managed and organized using SchoolPlus such as homework, timetable and attendance at a single click. Thus saves time of teachers.
Expensive in-house software and communicating with parents through paper circulars and SMS can be put to an end and thus you can save money.
Without worrying about maintaining records and handling paperwork, School Plus ensures everything done in minutes.
Go to android app store to download School plus App or it is enough to log on to our website to check this out.
Parents receive regular updates and notifications from teachers and thus strengthen the parent-teacher relationship.
Students will never miss out any important day at school . Various events and other details corresponding to it are shared with parents and students through this app.
Parents can to know about the home works and assignments through SchoolPlus , therefore no need to worry anymore thinking whether children have missed any note of all the homework given.
Now parents can ensure that their children pack according to the classes that they have for that particular day. Time table can be scheduled and published through SchoolPlus app.
Now you can access tests, progress reports, exam results and grades of your child directly through SchoolPlus App.
Information regarding fee payable, payment status and dues for different fee types can be viewed and archived.